? ??????????????Gaff Giraffe? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??7 Grabs Today. 607 Total Grabs. ??????Pr
eview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Zebra Fur? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (2 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 4396 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Just Meant? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, 29 October 2009

My Little Furries xxx

I thought I'd introduce you to a few of the more hairy members of my weired but wonderful family;

This is Psycho, my Mongolian Gerbil. Now she may look sweet and innocent in this photo, but trust me, she's far from it! Why do you think we named her Psycho?!

This is my other Mongolian Gerbil, Hyper (you can probably guess why we called her that), she on the other hand, is sweet and innocent, or was. I got her at the same time as Psycho (late January this year), but unfortunately, Hyper passed away in July, (we think she either ran her little heart out, or my Dad gave her a heart attack), so now Psycho is all on her little lonesome with no-one to snuggle up to at night :(

And lastly, i'd like you to meet Symone the Syrian Hamster!! Symone is the newest addtion to the madhouse that is my home, isn't she cute!? i got her at my work experience last week (which is a no-brainer figuring out i did work experience at a pet shop), and i was really surprised to find that i only got really attached to just one animal - i.e. Symone, - considering what i'm like with cute, small furry things - i'd want them all!!! :)

- x -

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

My First Post!!!!

Hello people of this planet that we call Earth! Welcome to my blog, now in actual fact this is my third or fourth blog that i have started (i deleted the others for one reason or another), and I'm determined to post on this blog at least once a week for up to at least four months. well, we'll see how my self imposed challenge goes, and hopefully, if i don't stumble at the first hurdle I'll have posted some more stuff up soon :)

- x -