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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Oh My God!! It’s been ages!

Firstly, I’d like to apologise for not blogging for so long, what with my exams and all, so much has happened…

Well, i am now in a relationship with someone (male, of course :P), he’s only a few months older than i am, and he’s in my year so not too old :)

I have just finished taking my 18 or so GCSE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and thank god they’re over! that is, until next year when i sit my AS exams *groan* :( but hey, the GCSE’s are out the way, yay! so now i have to wait till August to get my results…that’s gonna be such a tense day…

I’ve applied to college to hopefully do 4 courses; German, Chemistry, Biology and History, and i may also have a job :) i’ll give you more info as soon as i know :)



- x -